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money falling out of jars

Net Worth

Net Worth Your net worth is the value of all of your assets, minus the total of all of your liabilities. Put another way, it

lots of one dollar bills over lapping each other

Cool Million Calculator

Cool Million Calculator What might it take to save one million dollars? This financial calculator helps you find out. Enter in your current savings plan

piggy bank

Emergency Savings Calculator

Emergency Savings Calculator Having adequate emergency savings can make unforeseen unemployment, auto repairs, medical emergencies, property damage and even legal issues more manageable. With adequate

Savings Pro

Download the Savings Pro worksheet and you will be saving like a Pro in no time.

Emergency Funds

Emergency Funds

Life happens! And having cash in the bank can help make it easier.

five light bulbs one is energy efficient

5 Foolproof Ways to Save

We don’t need to tell you all the reasons why it’s a good idea to save money. You know that already. What you might not

tax forms and treasury check overlapping


Is your bank account about to get a big boost from a tax refund? If so, here are five quick tips to help you make

change rolled up

A Saving Strategy for Millenials

A Savings Strategy for Millennials and Other Generations It seems like everyone describes the millennial generation as if each member is exactly the same –

man looking at his savings account

Better Know Your Savings Accounts

For a short-term savings strategy (anywhere from 1 month to 3 years), there are a number of savings account types you should consider. The advantage

money falling out of jars

How Much Should I Save Every Month?

There isn’t an exact science to how much you should save, but your age and situation both play major roles. Generally, if you’re in your

Pay Yourself First

Pay Yourself First

You have to pay everyone else —shouldn’t you get your share too? The answer is, you should. Your spending plan helps you pay yourself, first.

piggy bank

Q: The Best Time to Start Saving?

The question isn’t IF you should start saving but WHEN. And the answer to that…we’re about to make it real easy for you. The best

family lying in a leaf pile looking up

Savvy Shopping Equals Big Savings

During Military Family Appreciation Month, service members will find many businesses offering additional discounts and special savings on a variety of products and services and

plants sprouting out of stacked coins

Successful Savings Starts Here

Ready? Now that you’re basically a savings pro, let’s get it down on paper while it’s still fresh. Answer the following questions (do it over

tree fell on red car

The Unexpected is Expensive

Unexpected expenses come in many forms and can quickly get you into debt or push you further into debt. Prepare for these unexpected expenses with

piggy bank with tape measure and sweatband

Work Up To Savings

To reach your savings goals, you may have to cut back — or cut out — spending in other areas. This is how budgeting gets